A Year in Books
What a difference a year makes. Last February I was reading about William Morris as I prepared for an exhibit that was to include wallpaper design. And then the world changed.
Today, I realize just how important the stack of books by my chair has been in keeping my creative fires going during this “pandemic-induced sabbatical.” It is a collection of accidental, scientific, and artistic botanic imagery, evocative photography, new digital and mixed media techniques, the language of landscape, and the history of science. These books have fed my work with the Synergy project, inspired sculptural artists’ books, and new printing techniques. My experimental series of “studio chats” will give you a glimpse of what has been happening here. I have posted the first two below and there will be more in the future.
Click here to let me know if you have questions, topics you would like me to explore, or if you would like to be notified when new studio chats are posted.
This print is currently on view at Rhode Island Center for Photo Arts.
Working with climate scientists from Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute as part of the Synergy 2 Project is challenging me as an artist in unexpected and wonderful ways.