
Rainy Day Spuds

It is a gray and rainy day in PEI.  The project of photographing the wonderfully colored metallic roofs in PEI won't be happening today.  I left the rain cover for my camera at home....So what is a girl to do?  There is reading, a binge of couch potato Netflix watching, or there are real live PEI spuds to build activities around. 


Off I went to the Coop hoping to be able to buy just 2 potatoes to make a small soup, but this was the smallest bag and it was $1.79.  Armed with an onion, a few sausages, the chard purchased at a farm stand yesterday, and the nearly dead carrots that had been left in the fridge, soup-making began in earnest.  But that didn't take very long, even with making roasted parsnips for a snack.  

After I had washed a few potatoes, the bottom of the sink looked like a silty red river bottom.  I thought of taking a photo but why use a silty sink when you can set up your tripod and do a full-blown photo shoot?. How often does the lowly spud get its picture taken?  My first adventure in food photography...May I present The Clean and the Dirty: Spuds from the Hood,
