While Storm's King sculptures are fascinating, it is the natural elements,
the trees, hills, fields of grasses that speak to my heart.
Storm King Art Center
Split Personality - a self portrait
Taken in front of Alyson Shotz's Mirrored Fence at Storm King Art Center.
Fall Color - At Long Last
Hurricane Irene didn’t destroy our roads as it did in Vermont, but it took with it all the fall color. But a return trip to Storm King gave me a chance to revel in the autumn art show that makes the vagaries of this climate bearable. The entire landscape at Storm King is part of the display. Carefully planted fields of grass turn shades of grey, muted purple and oranges adding texture and color to the scene.
Andy Goldsworthy's wall of arching curves.
Storm King Wanderings
Late summer greenery around Andy Goldsworthy's gracefully arching wall at Storm King Art Center.
Nestled among the gentle hills along the Hudson River, the 1995 Americas Cup contender has found a gentle spot for retirement.... This boat was one of Ray Lichtenstein's last paintings and it resides now on its own little island in a pond at Storm King Art Center